Brazil Japan
Workshop July 2023
Study in Japan Global Network South America, together with ESPM and Japan House São Paulo warmly welcomes you to join the Study in Japan - São Paulo Workshop for International Initiatives.
Venue: ESPM - Espaço Interativo Sala Victor Cívita
Rua Dr. Álvaro Alvim, 123 · (11) 5085-4600
Date and time: July 7th (Friday), 10:00 am to 15:00 pm ( Brasilia Standard Time)
*Event Time is provisory and may be subjected to changes
Participation: Onsite
Main Event Language: English
The present workshop will be a chance for Schools and institutes of Brazil and Japan to learn and discuss about the internationalization strategies of Japanese HIgher Education Institutes as well as to establish a networking opportunity for exchanging Academic information and widely discuss possibilities for collaborations.
We are pleased to inform the participation of representatives from the following universities of Japan:
Doshisha Business School (Website):
-Prof. Etsuaki Yoshida (International Finances, Business in Emerging Economies) -
Kyoto University (Website):
-Prof Igor de Almeida (Institute for the Future of Human Society, Social and Cultural Psychology) -
Nishinippon Institute of Technology (Website)
- Prof. TAKEMURA, Yasunori (Faculty of Engineering, Robotics) -
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (Website)
- Leon Wong (International Recruiter, Sustainability and Tourism) -
Shinshu University (Website)
- Prof. Sengoku Yu (Education, International Cooperation, Metaverse) -
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Website)
- Leonardo Brescia de Sousa Henriques (Coordinator of TUFS Global Japan Office at UERJ) -
University of Tsukuba (Website)
- Prof. Marcos A. Neves (Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Food Science, Biofunções) -
Yokohama National University / USP (Website)
- Prof. Alexandre Kawano (Naval and Industrial Engineering)
- Prof. Kazuo Nishimoto (Naval and Ocean Engineering)
*CV of representatives available through clicking on their names
In case you are interested in attending this event, please utilize the form below to introduce some of your research and cooperation interests.
*Please bear in mind that seats in the event are limited, so register after having some level of confidence of your attendance possibility. In the possibility that participation cannot be possible, please inform us as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention and interest.
Deadline for Registration: July 1st 2023
Event Schedule
Under Construction
Share your Profile and Interests
Before the workshop all Participants will be able to share their Interests proposals using the Padlet world map platform Check the world map and follow-up instructions below!
Padlet Quick Instructions

Padlet is an platform where you can create posts and ideas together with others. In the map, at the bottom right corner, you will find a red + button in it. Click on it to create your post.

Create a self-introduction post about you, your institution, or project, also addressing your cooperation interests! In each post you can add one Picture, website link, video, or more!

Padlet is fully optimized for smartphone browers. Create, support, and connect ideas with others freely using it!

Padlet is an platform where you can create posts and ideas together with others. In the map, at the bottom right corner, you will find a red + button in it. Click on it to create your post.
Padlet is an easy to use platform which now has a filtering edition by study field.
In addition, we encourage all to create an account so that your posts are not anonymous.
Participants from Japanese Institutes

Alexandre Kawano
Yokohama National University / USP
Politécnica - USP
About Representative
School / Department
Politécnica - USP
Name of Representative
Engineering & Technology
Naval and Oceanic Engineering
Contact E-mail
About Representative
2012 – Present Associate Professor MS5-2. Escola Politécnica da USP,
Universidade de São Paulo.
Address Department of Mechatronics and Mechanical Systems Engineering
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
About Institution / Department

Etsuaki Yoshida
Doshisha Business School
Global MBA
About Representative
School / Department
Global MBA
Name of Representative
Humanities & social Sciences
International Finance,
Business in Emerging Economies
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Professor Yoshida joined Doshisha Business School in April 2022. He started his career at the Bank of Japan as a financial analyst and economist, after graduating from Hitotsubashi University and attending Harvard University. Etsuaki has taught Islamic Finance at Waseda Graduate School of Finance as Visiting Associate Professor since 2008, while his academic positions include Project Associate Professor at Kyoto University since 2015 and Visiting Associate Professor at Hokkaido University in AY2021. During 2019-2021, Dr. Yoshida served as Deputy Minister of the Ministry for Development of ICT in Uzbekistan.
He is the author of five books and a frequent speaker at international conferences on Islamic Finance, as well as a professional macroeconomist with rich experiences in analyzing emerging markets, especially Southeast Asia, Africa, South Asia and the Middle East regions.
About Institution / Department
With a focus on sustainability, the Doshisha Global MBA guides students to explore and enquire beyond the established boundaries set by established theories and practices of global business and management to look beyond ‘business as usual’. As they grow into global-minded leaders, students will not only cover the breadth of standard MBA core subjects, but also develop deeper insights from the program’s three focus areas, and hone their analytical prowess through our program’s research thesis component.
Our aim is to prepare future business leaders who are willing and able to respond effectively to the emerging needs of the increasingly diverse groups of people participating in the global economy. The Doshisha Global MBA program offers a unique experiential MBA to students willing to work in partnership with professors and local and multinational business leaders when exploring - and challenging - traditions and trends in global business and management.
We also boast a capable and hard-working office staff who are dedicated to helping students smoothly deal with administrative matters.

Igor de Almeida
Kyoto University
Institute for the Future of Human Society
About Representative
School / Department
Institute for the Future of Human Society
Name of Representative
Humanities & social Sciences, Arts & Innovation
Cultural psychology
Contact E-mail
About Representative
My research examines how culture influences people in various psychological aspects such as emotions, thought and behaviour. I am interested in expanding the scope of psychology to various cultures and subcultures. For this I carry out research using diverse methods, varying from experiments in the lab, questionnaire surveys to analysis of cultural products (e.g., books, music, newspaper), as well as big data and computational methods (e.g., NLP, machine learning).
About Institution / Department
The institute for the future of human society at Kyoto University houses experts from various fields within social sciences. Through a combination of traditional (such as lab experiments and field work) and cutting-edge research methods (such as data science, social computing, and neuroimaging) the researchers in the institute work to unveil the mechanisms of the human mind and its interaction with society. The institute has a long list of international collaboration projects, and hosts researchers from institutions all around the world.

Kazuo Nishimoto
Yokohama National University / USP
Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering
About Representative
School / Department
Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering
Name of Representative
Engineering & Technology
Naval and Oceanic Engineering
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Engineering Degree in Naval Architecture & Marine Eng., Polytechnic School/USP, 1975-1979
Master of Sci. in Naval Architecture & Ocean Eng., Yokohama National University, Japan, 1980-1982
Doctor of Eng. in Naval Architecture & Ocean Eng., University of Tokyo, Japan, 1982-1985
Livre-Docente/Associate Professor in Naval Architecture & Ocean Eng., USP, 2001-2006
Full Professor of Department of Naval Architecture & Ocean Eng., USP, SP, BR, 2006 to present
About Institution / Department

Leon Wong
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
International Admissions Office
About Representative
School / Department
International Admission office
Name of Representative
Humanities & social Sciences
International Relations, Sustainability
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Beppu, Oita, Japan
Admissions Counselor (2018 –present )
• Coach and advise prospective students on all stages of the admissions process
• Recommend and explain appropriate grants, scholarships, and other financial aid options to help prospective students defray current and future education costs
• Help students prepare application materials and schedule tests required for admission
• Recruiting in Latin America and all regions in Europe
About Institution / Department

Leonardo B. Sousa Henriques
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
TUFS Satellite Office at UERJ
About Representative
School / Department
TUFS Satellite Office at UERJ
Name of Representative
Humanities & social Sciences
International Relations, Linguistics
Contact E-mail
About Representative
TUFS Global Japan Office at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ)
• Function: Coordinator
• Period: from April 2016 to present
Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) – Brazil-Japan Program
• Function: Assistant
• Period: from September 2000 to July 2004 and from April 2008 to March 2016
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) – Faculty of Letters
• Function: Russian Language Auxiliary Teacher
• Period: from March 2006 to December 2007 (temporary contract)
About Institution / Department

Marcos Antonio das Neves
University of Tsukuba
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
About Representative
School / Department
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
Name of Representative
Life & Health Sciences
Food Sciences, Biofunctions
Contact E-mail
About Representative
About Institution / Department
We foster graduates with the skills and outlook required to become future global leaders, and a strong capacity to discover and solve problems.
Students develop a comprehensive understanding of biological phenomena of various organisms including humans, the evolution of the earth and dynamics of the environment, and methods of conservation and sustainable use of biological resources.
The Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences cultivates researchers, university faculty members and highly specialized professionals who possess deep knowledge, research ability and research skill in the field of specialization in life science, geoscience or agricultural or environmental science, and on the other side, can see the life and human, and their foundations which are the earth, nature and society that surround them from a broad point of view, and also have the ingenious inspiration to find research tasks and the ability to solve them.
To realize this education, the following Master’s and Doctoral Programs are organized.

Osamu Ohneda
University of Tsukuba
Institute of Medicine
About Representative
School / Department
Laboratory of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Biology
Name of Representative
Life & Health Sciences
Cell biology, Developmental biology
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Our laboratory aim to contribute to the development of regenerative medicine by investigating the biology of functional stem cells and its related factors, especially the hypoxic stimuli.
We are looking for students and researchers with passion and enthusiasm for stem cells. Short-term stays are also available for studying and conducting research in our lab. If you are interested in our research topics, please feel free to contact us.
About Institution / Department
Our Institute is committed to education and research in the fields of medical science, public health, and nursing science, as well as clinical practice at the university hospital.

Sengoku Yu
Shinshu University
Center for Global Education and Collaboration
About Representative
School / Department
Center for Global Education and Collaboration
Name of Representative
Humanities & social Sciences, Arts & Innovation, Multiple Fields
Education, International Cooperation, Metaberse
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Research Field: International Student Support
Global Education
Virtual Reality
Keywords:Muslim International Student , Intercultural Collaborative Learning , COIL
Academic Societies
Japan Association of Global Education
Intercultural Education Society of Japan
Japan Association for International Student Education
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Committee of Academic Societies
2021- , 留学生教育学会 , 理事
2019- , 留学生教育学会 , 年次大会実行委員
2019-2020 , 留学生教育学会 , 若手企画委員
2019-2021 , Japan Association for International Student Education , Assistant Director
About Institution / Department
Shinshu University Center for Global Education and Collaboration (formerly the Global Education Center) was established in April 2019 with the aim of strengthening academic exchange and initiating international public relations activities.
The primary role of the GEC is to promote global education. It encourages Japanese students to study overseas and provides support for international students studying at the University, including the provision of Japanese language classes. Besides playing a general coordinating role in the planning and promotion of globalization throughout the University, the Center also makes an important contribution to globalization and international cooperation at a regional level.
Our Mission
Our mission is to strategically promote further internationalization in a way that will boost the educational and research capabilities of Shinshu University.
We believe that building robust international networks and creating campuses where students and researchers from Japan and abroad can gather to learn and be creative together will improve the global literacy of everyone involved while promoting international joint education and collaborative research.

Takahiro MORIO
University of Tsukuba
Bureau of Global Inititatives
About Representative
School / Department
Transborder Manga Research Group
Name of Representative
Arts & Innovation, Multiple Fields, Arts & Innovation
Manga, anime, video game studies
Contact E-mail
About Representative
""Hello! My research topics is application of Sci-Fi thinking and manga story creation methods to project-based learning by imaging and creating stories of individuals and society in the future. I am also interested in international comparative study of contents business like manga, animation films and video games, especially the viewpoint of the interaction between creators and fans (otaku).
I am looking forward to having a dialogue with researchers interested in manga, anime and video game studies, regardless the specialty.
Please visit the Center for Imaginary and Scientific Creation I organize in the mataverse world (https://cluster.mu/w/989440e0-4b2b-4e40-8c30-b1e3df596d57), too!""
About Institution / Department
Transborder Manga Research Group is a group where researchers with various backgrounds and manga creators come together and have research, education and social engagement activities related to manga. Not only regional and domestic activities, but also our members expand our activities internationally.

Yasunori Takemura
Nishinippon Institute of Technology
Faculty of engineering
About Representative
School / Department
Faculty of engineering
Name of Representative
Engineering & Technology
Robotics, Sustainability
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Apr, 2023 - PresentProfessor, Faculty of Technology, Nishinippon Institute of Technologyn
Apr, 2019 - PresentInvited Associate Prof., Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering Department of Human Intelligence Systems, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Apr, 2012 - PresentNippon Bunri University
Apr, 2015 - Mar, 2023Associate Prof., Department of Engineering, Nishinippon Institute of Technology
Apr, 2010 - Mar, 2012School of Engineering, Nippon Bunri University
Apr, 2009 - Mar, 2010特別研究員(DC2), 日本学術振興会
About Institution / Department
Engineering School of Nishinihon Institute of Technology consists as Department of Integrated Systems Engineering of 7 special fields from which students can select for their purposes.
There is only one Integrated System Engineering Department at our Engineering School. A student can select one of 7 special fields provided at our school according to his purposes. The reason for this unique organizaion of the school is that our school brings up not only specialists who has mastered knowledge or technology of special fields, but also generalists who can understand engineering as a whole beyond their own special fields. This is because present-day manufacturing requires not only one spececial field but also wide-range and high-level knowledge and technology. Threfore, the original curriculum suitable for social needs is organized such as the organization of common subjects to engineering school, introductory education for the basic study of engineering, accreditation of other special subjects, etc.