Brazil Japan
Workshop 2023
Study in Japan Global Network South America and Japan House São Paulo warmly welcomes you to the First Japan-Brazil Academic Collaboration Workshop at Japan-House Sao Paulo.
Venue: Japan House São Paulo
Av. Paulista 52, São Paulo
Date and time:
March 10th 09:30 am to 12:30 pm ( Brasilia Standard Time)
March 10th 21:30 pm to 00:20 am (Japan Standard Time)
Participation: Onsite or Virtual / Panelist or Observer
Event Language: English
Buffet table: Freely available
This Workshop will be a chance for universities and professors to exchange Academic information and widely discuss possibilities for collaborations. Representatives from Japan and Brazil will be selected for presenting about their institution / department and plans for International Cooperation.
Information about additional representatives from Japan who are participating online, and representatives who will be joining from Brazil will be added in this event page according to registrations:
In case you are interested in joining this event, please utilize the form below to introduce some of your research and / or cooperation interests. We will utilize the given information to match with universities.
Deadline for Registration: February 28th 2023
About the Workshop

Improving International Academic Collaboration for our future in a post-pandemic and Post-SDGs world
The year 2022 saw a rapid succession of blows to global cooperation, as noted by Megan Roberts, Director of Policy Planning at the United Nations Foundation. Despite gradual recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine triggered a series of interrelated crises in food, fuel, and energy. Moreover, new data related to Covid-19 revealed the pandemic's devastating impact on health and beyond, while misinformation and disinformation posed serious threats to people, communities, and political systems worldwide.
Although the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been performing remarkable work, collaborative research activities between Brazil and Japan have witnessed a significant decline since 2020, as highlighted by research support foundations such as FAPESP, JSPS, and JST. This underscores the need for stronger academic cooperation as we approach 2030.
To this end, we invite researchers, professors, and private- and public-sector workers from both countries to join hands and co-create plans that can yield long-term benefits for our societies at the first Brazil-Japan Academic Collaboration Workshop.
In this workshop, we are going to present some of the main fundings for performing Brazil-Japan Cooperative research and have two panel discussion sessions about issues that could be amended through stronger partnerships.
Each panel session will count with four representatives from Japanese institutes and four representatives from Brazilian institutes. Participants will have chance to interact with panelists and develop proposals upon their presentations. All participants, onsite or online, will also be able to share, develop, and connect their ideas through our main event platform.
Panel Discussion 1: Knowledge sharing & innovation
"In what ways can Brazil-Japan Academic Collaborations
enhance the promotion of scientific knowledge
to foster innovation and wellbeing in our societies?"

Prof. Felipe Sandoval
University of Tsukuba
Faculty of Medicine
Bachelor Program of Global Issues
Japan Panelists

Brazil Panelists
To be Defined

Panel Discussion 2: Technology & Health
"How can new technologies and advancements in computational research enhance the health and well-being of societies?
What are strong cases from Japan and Brazil that can be further developed?"

Prof. Claus de Castro Aranha
University of Tsukuba
College of Information sciences
Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life
Japan Panelists

Brazil Panelists
To be Defined

Workshop Dynamic and Collaborative Platform
All workshop Participants will be able to share their proposals using the Padlet world map platform Check the world map and follow-up instructions below!
Padlet Quick Instructions

Padlet is an platform where you can create posts and ideas together with others. In the map, at the bottom right corner, you will find a red + button in it. Click on it to create your post.

Create a self-introduction post about you, your institution, or project, also addressing your cooperation interests! In each post you can add one Picture, website link, video, or more!

Padlet is fully optimized for smartphone browers. Create, support, and connect ideas with others freely using it!

Padlet is an platform where you can create posts and ideas together with others. In the map, at the bottom right corner, you will find a red + button in it. Click on it to create your post.
Profiles have been created according to the registered information in the website. However, we highly encourage all to develop their own profile.
For that, it is recommended to create an account so that your posts are not anonymous.
Event Schedule
Time | Session Name | Description |
09:30 | Opening Ceremonies | Opening speeches and introduction of Workshop activities |
10:00 | Introduction of workshop Thematic | How to connect Brazil-Japan in a post-pandemic world? In this introduction we will instruct on how to share ideas together |
10:10 | Data and Grants for Brazil / Japan
| Presentation from funding agencies for the promotion of science |
10:45 | Panel Discussion 1: Knowledge sharing & innovation | In what ways can Brazil-Japan Academic Collaborations
enhance the promotion of scientific knowledge to foster innovation and wellbeing in our societies? |
11:00 | Coffee break / Brunch | A coffee break table with food and refreshments will be arranged so that participants can take breaks during and between sessions to mingle |
11:45 | Panel Discussion 2: Technology & Health | How can new technologies and advancements in computational research enhance the health and well-being of societies? What are strong cases from Japan and Brazil that can be further developed?
13:00 | Workshop Wrap up | Gathering of summaries for the definition of future collaborative activities |
Schedule and topics can still be modified
Please access Later for updated Information
Participants from Japanese Institutes
Filter by
Field of Study

University of Tsukuba

Takahiro MORIO
Transborder Manga Research Group
Bureau of Global Inititative
About Representative
School / Department
Transborder Manga Research Group
Name of Representative
Arts & Innovation, Multiple Fields
Manga, anime, video game studies
Contact E-mail
About Representative
"Hello! My research topics is application of Sci-Fi thinking and manga story creation methods to project-based learning by imaging and creating stories of individuals and society in the future. I am also interested in international comparative study of contents business like manga, animation films and video games, especially the viewpoint of the interaction between creators and fans (otaku).
I am looking forward to having a dialogue with researchers interested in manga, anime and video game studies, regardless the specialty.
Please visit the Center for Imaginary and Scientific Creation I organize in the mataverse world (https://cluster.mu/w/989440e0-4b2b-4e40-8c30-b1e3df596d57), too!"
About Institution / Department
Transborder Manga Research Group is a group where researchers with various backgrounds and manga creators come together and have research, education and social engagement activities related to manga. Not only regional and domestic activities, but also our members expand our activities internationally.

Yamanashi Gakuin University

Tatsumi AKITA
Deputy President for International Affairs
About Representative
School / Department
Name of Representative
Humanities & social Sciences
International Relations and college sports
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Development of educational relationship, especially sports athletes
About Institution / Department
Yamanashi Gakuin University aims to nurture individuals who have the ability to create an ideal future through the application of creativity and enterprise and who possess a broad international perspective in addition to immediately applicable knowledge and skills.

Kyoto University

Igor de Almeida
Assistant Professor
Institute for the Future of Human Society
About Representative
School / Department
Name of Representative
Humanities & social Sciences
Cultural psychology
Contact E-mail
About Representative
My research examines how culture influences people in various psychological aspects such as emotions, thought and behaviour. I am interested in expanding the scope of psychology to various cultures and subcultures. For this I carry out research using diverse methods, varying from experiments in the lab, questionnaire surveys to analysis of cultural products (e.g., books, music, newspaper), as well as big data and computational methods (e.g., NLP, machine learning).
About Institution / Department
The institute for the future of human society at Kyoto University houses experts from various fields within social sciences. Through a combination of traditional (such as lab experiments and field work) and cutting-edge research methods (such as data science, social computing, and neuroimaging) the researchers in the institute work to unveil the mechanisms of the human mind and its interaction with society. The institute has a long list of international collaboration projects, and hosts researchers from institutions all around the world.

University of Tsukuba

Felipe Sandoval
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Medicine
About Representative
School / Department
Bachelor Program in Global Issues
Name of Representative
Humanities & social Sciences
Long-term care insurance
Contact E-mail
About Representative
About Institution / Department
BPGI is a four-year degree program which is taught in English.
Degree to be acquired: Bachelor of Arts and Science
Global Issue stands for complex contemporary issues, which are related to the entire globe. These issues are intertwined with various stakeholders and phenomena, and therefore, it is not easy to solve them by using a traditional approach. Global Issues can be seen in our daily lives, and we must try to find a solution from our daily lives. For example, even a piece of bread that you have had for breakfast could highlight issues like the significant cost of energy used to import wheat, the wage and human rights issues of people engaged in production and transportation, mass disposal, and biased food distribution in the world.

University of Tsukuba

Claus de Castro Aranha
Assistant Professor
College of Information Sciences
About Representative
School / Department
Name of Representative
Engineering & Technology
Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Hello! I teach computer sciences at the University of Tsukuba, and research Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. By developing digital creatures, artificial evolution, and the virtual environments to support these, we ask questions about what is life, and how can we create new computer systems that surprise and fascinate us.
I was born in Sao Luiz/MA, graduated at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and did my PhD at the University of Tokyo through the MEXT scholarship. I'll be happy to talk to you about all these topics at the Workshop!
About Institution / Department
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Tsukuba has 80 professors and over 300 students (as of 2020), covering all fields in Computer Science, including high performance computing, networks, operating systems, theory of computing, robotics, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and many others.
We look forward to meeting those of you who want to use Computer Science to make the world a better ,more fun place to live in, as well as those of you with big dreams and ambitious spirits.

Okayama University

Emilio S. HARA
Research Assoc. Professor (PI)
Dental School Advanced Research Center for Oral and Craniofacial Sciences
About Representative
School / Department
Name of Representative
Life & Health Science, Engineering & Technology
Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Dr. Emilio Hara obtained his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from the School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo in 2003, and his Ph.D at Okayama University, Japan, in 2013. He is currently a Research Associate Professor (Principal Investigator) at Okayama University, and works mainly with Tissue Engineering (not only related to Dentistry).
He has published more than 70 papers and book chapters, and has received several important national and international awards. More recently, he was awarded the FOREST grant for disruptive and interdisciplinary research, and has now started his own lab at Okayama University.
About Institution / Department
In 2020, Okayama University, which started with its Medical School, celebrated the 150th anniversary of its foundation. Okayama University is a comprehensive university that includes 11 Faculties, 8 Graduate schools, 3 Authorized Research Institutes, a University Hospital and Attached Schools. Okayama University’s founding philosophy is expressed as “Creation of advanced knowledge and inheritance of precise knowledge.”
The Dental School emphasizes "providing state-of-the-art dental care to the general public" and "research and development of advanced dental care". Its main objective is to train human resources in the field of dentistry at the highest level through education and research.
List is Currently being updated.
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Participants from Brazilian Institutes
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Field of Study

Minas Gerais
Hugo Nogueira ROCHA

International Relations Office

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)
About Representative
Field of Study
Humanities & social Sciences
Portuguese and Japanese language teaching
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
I have worked at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora International Office since 2014 as technical staff. Among other activities, I have managed an exchange program for Japanese/Brazilian language and culture learning thanks to my own exchange experience in Japan, from September 2008 to February 2010. The program has been working very well, and we would like to expand it to other japanese universites.
PhD in contemporary Irish literature from the Program for Linguistic and Literary Studies in English at the Department of Modern Languages of the University of São Paulo (DLM/USP) with the thesis "The Contemporary Irish Short Story: Identities in Transformation" funded by FAPESP. Master's in 2014 by the same program with the research "In Search of Innocence - The Identity Path of Hugo Hamilton in his memoirs The Speckled People and The Sailor in the Wardrobe" in the area of contemporary Irish literature, held with a CAPES grant. Graduated in English and Portuguese (BA) from the School of Philosophy, Literature and Humanities (FFLCH/USP) in 2010 and graduated from the School of Education (FEUSP) in 2011. Conducted undergraduate research funded for two consecutive years by the Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária da USP, from 2007 to 2009, with the project "Nationalism in the Epistolary and Journalistic Discourse of the Irish Writer William Bulfin. Former director of the Brazilian Association of Irish Studies (ABEI).
About Institution / Department
The Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) is located in the State of Minas Gerais, about 200km away from RIo de Janeiro and 300km away from Belo Horizonte, the state capital. We are a comprehensive university with around 20.000 students and strong undegraduate programs. On the graduate and reasearch level we have obtained impressive progress on the last 5 years, with many programs reaching the CAPES excellence level. Our most well evaluated programs are History, Health and Linguistics, but we also have strong research and internationalizations levels in the areas of Environment and Biodiversity, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Food Science, Theology and Social Work. On the internationalization level, we have an international mobility call that runs every year, with study abroad scholarships offered by the university itself (https://www2.ufjf.br/piigrad/). There is also The Global July Program, our internationalization at home program which offers international courses from our Faculty and partner Faculty from abroad all taught in foreign languages for undergraduate and graduate students. More information at: https://www2.ufjf.br/globaljuly/

Patricia de Aquino Prudente

Directorate of International Affairs

UNITINS - State University of Tocantins
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism / Centre for Asian Studies
About Representative
Field of Study
Multiple Fields
Agronomy, Ecology, Tourism, International Relations
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
PhD in contemporary Irish literature from the Program for Linguistic and Literary Studies in English at the Department of Modern Languages of the University of São Paulo (DLM/USP) with the thesis "The Contemporary Irish Short Story: Identities in Transformation" funded by FAPESP. Master's in 2014 by the same program with the research "In Search of Innocence - The Identity Path of Hugo Hamilton in his memoirs The Speckled People and The Sailor in the Wardrobe" in the area of contemporary Irish literature, held with a CAPES grant. Graduated in English and Portuguese (BA) from the School of Philosophy, Literature and Humanities (FFLCH/USP) in 2010 and graduated from the School of Education (FEUSP) in 2011. Conducted undergraduate research funded for two consecutive years by the Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária da USP, from 2007 to 2009, with the project "Nationalism in the Epistolary and Journalistic Discourse of the Irish Writer William Bulfin. Former director of the Brazilian Association of Irish Studies (ABEI).
About Institution / Department
The Directorate of International Affairs of The State University of Tocantins is responsible for coordenating international actions, projects and partnerships with both public and private institutions, offering study, management, research and extention opportunities. Our Directorate represents the University internationally and aims at promoting social and educational improvements for the State of Tocantins and Brazil. Also, we have been comitted to the UN's 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. The State University of Tocantins's main campus is located in Palmas, the capital of Tocantins, but we have campus and units all over the state.

São Paulo
Regiani Aparecida Santos Zacarias

Department of Modern Language

UNESP Assis/Araraquara/Bauru
International Relations
About Representative
Field of Study
Humanities & social Sciences
Linguistics, Lexicography, Lexicology, Language Teaching
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Corpus Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Digital Lexicography, Pedagogical Bilingual Lexicography
About Institution / Department

São Paulo
Luiz César Ribas

Engenharia Rural e Socioeconomia

Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas. Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP) Campus de Botucatu/SP
Materials and Technology
About Representative
Field of Study
Humanities & social Sciences, Life & Health Sciences
Public Policies and critical analysis of sustainability
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
I have interested on public policies and critical analysis of sustainability
About Institution / Department
I am a Forestry Engineering, M.Sc in Economy and Forestry Policy, Dr in Production Engineering and Post Doctor in Payment for Environmental Services and I have worked in Rural Engineering and Socioeconomy Department, in School of Agriculture (FCA), in Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), campus of Botucatu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. My expertise field has been Environmental Damage Assessment and Public (Environental, Forestry) Policies and critical analysis of sustainability

São Paulo
João Roberto Fernandes

Departamento de Química

Engenharia Elétrica e Informática Industrial
About Representative
Field of Study
Engineering & Technology
GHE, Education with green chemistry approaches.
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
We deal with development of new trends on biosensors for clinical, forensics and environmental purposes. The main set of devices are constructed with electrochemical sensors based on voltammetric, amperometric, potentiometric, etc techniques.
Some electrodes as carbon paste, High Oriented Pirolitic Carbon, Glass Carbon, gold, platinum, etc are used with physical and chemical modification to get crucial analytical characteristics for importants features in chemical analyses.
About Institution / Department
We are really involved in materials development, nanoparticles, photocatalysis, green chemistry, theoretical chemistry, education in chemistry and sciences, environment, GC, HPLC, Thermal analysis, etc
Rafael Silva de OLIVEIRA

Engenharia Elétrica e Informática Industrial

Departamento de Química
About Representative
Field of Study
Life & Health Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Multiple Fields
Biomedical Engineering
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Rehabilitation engineering, health technologies,
About Institution / Department

São Paulo
Ana Paula Rosifini

Materials and Technology

Engenharia Rural e Socioeconomia
About Representative
Field of Study
Multiple Fields
Materials for biomedical applications
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Elected in 2020 as a Fellow, Science and Engineering of Biomaterials (FBSE). She is a Full Professor in the area of Biomaterials (Unesp) - Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculty of Engineering, Campus de Guaratinguetá since 2016. She was a Collaborating Professor at the Département de Génie des Mines, de la Métallurgie et des Matériaux (Jan 2015 to Jan 2018) where she held a senior internship from February to April 2015 with a CAPES scholarship. She is currently Visiting Professor at VIT University, Vellore India in the field of Biomaterials. She was Assistant Professor at the University of Taubaté (Unitau), Department of Mechanical Engineering, from 1996 to 2006. From 2010 to 2014, was Head of the Department of Materials and Technology, FE/UNESP, coordinator of the Undergraduate Course in Mechanical Engineering. Materials, from 2006 to 2010, coordinator of the Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering in the 2017/2018 biennium, positions held at FE/Unesp, Campus de Guaratinguetá, advisor to the Dean of Research at UNESP. She was the secretary of SLABO (Latin American Society of Biomaterials and Artificial Organs) in the 2016-2018 administration and is currently vice president of the society. Is Institutional Evaluator of the State Council of Education of the State of São Paulo. Has experience in the development of new materials for biomedical applications, working in new processing techniques and surface treatments, which has resulted, in recent years, in several partnerships in Brazil and abroad, Dr Ketul Popat (CSU-Colorado, USA), Dr. Veronique Migonney (Université Paris XIII, France), Dr Hans Griesser (UNISA, Australia), Dr Diego Mantovani (Laval Université, Quebec) Dr Rodrigo França (University of Manitoba, Canada), Dr Ilana Timokhina (Deakin University, Australia), Dr. Geetha Manivasagam (VIT, Vellore, India), Dr Joaquim Miguel de Oliveira (3Bs Universidade do Minho) and Dr Stefanie Hauke (University of Duisburg). In 2021, she has Invited Speaker in ESB 2021 - 31st Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB 2021).
About Institution / Department

São Paulo
João Fernandes

International Relations Officer

International Relations
About Representative
Field of Study
Multiple Fields
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
João serves as International Relations Officer at Insper, a prestigious non-profit educational institution in São Paulo, Brazil. His responsibilities go from overseeing international collaborative partnerships to identifying potential cooperation fronts. He dedicates part of his time to co-leading the LGBTQIAP+ team within the Diversity Committee, discussing and promoting ways to create a more equitable work environment.
About Institution / Department
Insper is a non-profit, triple-accredited university: AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS. Its mission is to transform Brazil through applied research and educating innovative leaders. Insper transcends traditional academic courses and seeks to accelerate transformations of high economic and social value through applied research, promoting academic excellence and an integrated vision of knowledge. The institution offers Undergraduate programs in Business Administration, Economics, Law, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering.
Maria Cláudia CANDEIA

Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism / Centre for Asian Studies

University of Brasilia
Directorate of International Affairs
About Representative
Field of Study
Arts & Innovation
Japanese modern Design, Architecture and Urbanism. Sustainable Urban Regeneration.
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Maria Claudia Candeia holds a bachelor's degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Brasilia - UnB (2006), a master' degree in History and Theory of Architecture (2011) and a doctorate in Urban Regeneration from The University of Tokyo (2014). In Japan, she had the opportunity to deepen her studies in Japanese modern design and urban environment and work in tsunami affected areas at Tohoku region as a volunteer. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) - Department of Design, Expression and Representation. She became the director of the Centre for Asian Studies (NEASIA/UnB) in 2022, and has conducted research in modern and contemporary Japanese Architecture and Urbanism. She is a counselor of the Japan-Brazil Alumni Association of Brasilia (ABRAEX).
About Institution / Department
The University of Brasilia, since its foundation in 1962, along with the construction of the new Capital of Brazil, has been developing innovative educational policies based on multidisciplinary and transversality. Within this environment, the Centre for Asian Studies (NEASIA), as part of the Centre for Advanced Multidisciplinary Studies (CEAM) was founded in 1987 to bring together researchers and enthusiasts in Asian Studies. NEASIA functions in a different way to faculties and departments, having a multidisciplinary nature that embraces (regular and retired) professors, students, and volunteers from different backgrounds and institutions. It aims to deepen Asian Studies in Brazil, as well as promote Asian culture and knowledge. Therefore, NEASIA has established partnerships with Embassies and lately has coordinated an educational agreement – JICA Chair – between UnB and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency).

São Paulo
Koshiro Nishikuni


About Representative
Field of Study
Life & Health Sciences
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Doctor, Neurosurgeon and Doctor of Science. Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Marilia (1979 - 1984). Medical Residency in Neurosurgery by the program accredited by the CNRM/MEC - INAMPS Hospital, São Paulo (1987-1991). Completed the Medical Residency in Pediatric Neurosurgery at Osaka University Medical School and at Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Child Health - Japan (1991-1992). Title of Specialist in Neurosurgery by the Brazilian Medical Association and the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery in 1998, of which he is a Full Member. Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery at the Prince of Wales Hospital Campus. ?Centre for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery? Sydney - Australia (2005). PhD in Sciences (Ph.D.) from the Faculty of Medicine of USP (2006). The results of the thesis were published in the Journal of Neurosurgery - Pediatrics in 2013. Responsible for the Pediatric Neurosurgery sector at IAMSPE/HSPE - São Paulo, since 1996.
About Institution / Department
The IPESC is a research and education institute founded by directors`s Santa Cruz Japanese Hospital with the purpose of promoting exchanges and propagation of advances mainly in health area.

São Paulo
Lucinda Giampietro Brandão


Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza
ARInter - Assessoria de Relações Internacionais
About Representative
Field of Study
Engineering & Technology, Multiple Fields
Bioenergy, biofuels, molecular biology, biochemistry and bioinformatics.
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
A short description of my research interests and/or works include the aims of International Relations Office from Paula Souza Center, as I am part of this team: provide a support for students at Centro Paula Souza participate in various activities as the programs offered that may include cultural challenges, international academic mobility for study purposes, international academic mobility for research purposes, virtual exchange. On the other hand, we are interested in enlarge this number of aims with more international arrangements and in this way, participate in this event will provide an expansion of my knowledge.
About Institution / Department
The Paula Souza Center has partnerships with several universities, companies and research centers around the world, in order to improve the training of its students and teachers. In 2016, the International Relations Office was created, a department whose actions are exclusively aimed at promoting exchanges of all kinds with institutions from various countries. As a result, the exchange of students and professors has increased, whether through travel and the acquisition of valuable experiences, or virtually, as many projects are developed online. Students at Centro Paula Souza can participate in various activities promoted by the Office of International Relations.

Rio de Janeiro
Bruna Navarone SANTOS

PhD student

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health/Oswaldo Cruz Institute
About Representative
Field of Study
Humanities & social Sciences, Life & Health Sciences
Scientific Initiation; Comparative Studies; Sociology of Science
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Bruna Navarone Santos holds a bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, and a master's degree in Science. Currently, she is pursuing a doctorate degree in Education in Biosciences and Health at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/Oswaldo Cruz Institute. Bruna’s research focuses on comparative studies of emotion and scientific formation in the Scientific Initiation Laboratory in Basic Education of the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health, under the guidance of researcher Isabela Cabral Félix de Sousa. Her current research interest is to compare the perspectives of Brazil and Japan on science education, with a particular focus on analyzing programs like the Scientific Vocation Program of the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health/ Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Brazil and the Japanese program Sakura Science, organized by Japan Science and Technology Agency. This research aims to investigate how conceptions of science in Western and Eastern cultures influence the selection of objectives, planning of activities, and participation of professionals and students in scientific education programs for high school students.
About Institution / Department
The Scientific Initiation Laboratory in Basic Education (Lic-Provoc) of the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health (EPSJV), which is a Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization for Health Technician Education, is responsible for coordinating the Scientific Vocation Program at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Since its establishment in Rio de Janeiro in 1986, this program has been providing high school students with the opportunity to engage in scientific initiation activities in the areas of Biological, Health, Human, or Social Sciences.
The professionals from Lic-Provoc have conducted qualitative research on the formative process of Provoc-EPSJV/Fiocruz students. Their studies have explored gender issues related to academic and professional choices, considering the historical predominance of female students in the program. They have also investigated the mentoring relationships that develop during the formative process of these young people, with an emphasis on the relationship between students, advisors, and co-advisors. In addition, some studies have analyzed the relationships between students and economically disadvantaged areas located in the urban region of Rio de Janeiro. Recently, the Laboratory has also conducted research on the role of emotions in scientific initiation activities, giving voice to students, alumni, advisors, and co-advisors.
In terms of internationalization activities, meetings were held in 2021 and 2022 with Rodrigo Fernandes, the regional vice-coordinator of the Study in Japan Global Network Project South America office located in São Paulo. These meetings provided an opportunity to exchange knowledge and interact with academic institutes in Japan. Initially, Bruna Navarone Santos, Dr. Isabela Cabral Félix de Sousa, and Dr. Anme Tokie attended the meetings. On November 9, 2022, Rodrigo Fernandes visited Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health and was welcomed by the director, Dr. Anamaria D' Andrea Corbo, the coordinator of International Cooperation, Dr. Carlos Eduardo Colpo Batistella, the coordinator of the Scientific Vocation Program, MSc. Cristiane Nogueira Braga, Dr. Isabela Cabral Félix de Sousa, and Bruna Navarone Santos.

Espirito Santo
Alexandre Pereira CHAHAD

Coordenador de Prestação de Serviços Tecnológicos

Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo
About Representative
Field of Study
Engineering & Technology, Multiple Fields
Engeneering, Agriculture, A.I., Environmental Studies.
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
IFES has interest in academic collaboration with international institutions in order to improve it´s insertion in the global market.
About Institution / Department
IFES is a Federal Education Institution with 25 campus in the State of Espirito Santo. It has 1543 vocational/superior teacher, 1336 administrative technicians and 36.000 students. IFES has courses from vocational high school to doctor degree programs.

Rio de Janeiro
Enrick Pereira da Silva MAGALHÃES

Master's Student

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Graduate Program in Design (PPGD) - School of Fine Arts (EBA)
About Representative
Field of Study
Arts & Innovation
Game Design and Gamification
School / Department
Contact E-mail
About Representative
Enrick Magalhães is a Master's candidate in the graduate program in Design at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Visual Communication Design from the same university. Enrick's research interests focus on the intersection of design and music, specifically exploring how gamification can be applied to the process of musical composition to make it more accessible to an audience without formal music theory training.
His current academic dissertation adopts the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology to investigate how the software design of musical composition tools can assist novice musicians in composing music based on the principles of music theory. Through an exploratory study, Enrick plans to analyze the available playful forms of assistance for musical softwares through iterative design and user evaluation. He aims to develop an intuitive and accessible tool that has the potential to significantly contribute to the fields of design and music, as well as educational and creative activities more broadly.
About Institution / Department
The Graduate Program in Design at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGD-UFRJ) has its main focus on the cultural and technological relationships established between the field of imagery and design. It is dedicated to academic research and the improvement of teachers and professionals working in the regional and national markets. It is a young program that came to fill a gap in the field of design in a school (Fine Arts) and university (UFRJ) with 200 years of history.
The PPGD-UFRJ was recommended by CAPES at the 164th Meeting of CTC-ES on June 3, 2016, and became part of the National Postgraduate System. Research in the program is organized around two lines of research, in a single area of concentration, Visual Design. This concentration area applies to the study of the processes of transformation of apparatus, mechanisms, and services identified in the production, experimentation, and interaction with visual artifacts. To do so, it considers theoretical-practical aspects in projects developed in the field of the changing nature of design in the context of the post-industrial era.

São Paulo
Alexandre Ratsuo UEHARA

Academic Coordinator

International Relations Program
About Representative
Field of Study
Humanities & social Sciences
International Relations, International Business
School / Department
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About Representative
My interest is in Japanese foreign policy and its international relations, particularly with its neighbors in the Asian region, and Latin American countries, and its international role. My researches involve topics such as international security and economic relations. In addition to these topics, I also follow the domestic Japanese issues, particularly, political, economic and social factors.
About Institution / Department
The Asian Business Studies Center (NENA) aim is to provide opportunities for students to develop research on a variety of topics (culture, economics, politics, international relations, security) of Asian countries that can impact international business. And Japan is one of the countries analyzed by the students. Besides the research activities, the NENA also promotes seminars, visits to diplomatic representative offices, and international exchanges. The NENA is open for international students’ participation.

São Paulo
Regina Yoshie Matsue


Universidade Federal de São Paulo
Department of Preventive Medicine
About Representative
Field of Study
Humanities & social Sciences, Life & Health Sciences
Social Sciences and Humanities in Health: body, health and disease; health, migration and religiosity.
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About Representative
Regina Yoshie Matsue is an anthropologist graduated from University of Brasilia. She received her Ph.D. from the Department of International and Political Economy, sub-area of Intercultural Communication at the University of Tsukuba, Japan in 2006. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Japanese Studies at the National University of Singapore from 2007 to 2008. Currently, she is a professor at Unifesp in the Department of Preventive Medicine (2018-). Her field of research is related to Anthropology of Religion, Migration and Health in the cross-cultural contexts of Japan and Brazil.
About Institution / Department
Postgraduate Program in Public Health was approved by Capes in 2005. In addition to Epidemiology, the Program now includes studies in Social Sciences and Humanities in Health, and Policy, Planning and Management in Health. The main objectives of the Program are to train students to act as teachers or researchers in public health area, to qualify professionals already working in the area and contribute to the formation of new research centers in the public health area. International grants:-Use of illicit drugs. Brazil-Cuba Agreement. (Financial support: Capes); Urbanicidade, trauma na infância e psicopatologia comórbida na adolescência no Brasil e no Chile / Urbanicity, childhood trauma and adolescent comorbid psychopathology in Brazil and Chile – Agência Financiadora: Columbia University’s President’s Global Innovation Fund, Valor: US$ 81.168,50;- The Pathologies of Modernity and the Remedies from Humanities. – Agências Financiadoras: Fapesp e King’s College London, UK.

São Paulo
Anderson Harayashiki MOREIRA

Associate Professor

Mauá Institute of Technology
Control and Automation Engineering
About Representative
Field of Study
Engineering & Technology
School / Department
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About Representative
Graduated in Control and Automation Engineering from Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia (IMT) (2008). Master in Mechatronics Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) (2011). PhD in Mechatronics Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) (2017). He is currently an associate professor at the Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia. He develops activities and research in the area of mobile autonomous robotics, control systems, industrial robotics and microcontroller systems.
About Institution / Department
Mauá Institute of Technology (IMT) is a private, non-profit organization that serves a public purpose. Founded on December 11, 1961 in São Paulo, Brazil, the IMT maintains a University Center and a Research and Testing Center in two different campus: São Paulo and São Caetano do Sul.
Covering an area of 130,000 square meters, the São Caetano do Sul Campus is located at 1 Praça Mauá - approximately 12 kilometers from São Paulo city center - and serves as the headquarters for both the University Center and the Research Center. The University Center offers undergraduate programs in Business Administration, Design and Engineering, as well as various graduate programs in the same disciplines.
The Control and Automation Engineer department works in the application and integration of the fields of Mechanics, Electronics and Programming to develop solutions, including, among others: Smart Machines and Devices, Robotics, Autonomous Systems, Integration of Automated Systems, Manufacturing Automation, and Process Control. The students of IMT's Control and Automation Engineering program, besides the multidisciplinary knowledge that makes up the field, develop the different skills required through participation in projects in robotics, autonomous vehicles, smart cities and Industry 4.0. Among the distinctions are the scope and excellent facilities for the development of the course.

São Paulo
Dalmo Mandelli

Diretor de Relações Internacionais

Universidade Federal do ABC
Assessoria de Relações Internacionais
About Representative
Field of Study
Humanities & social Sciences, Engineering & Technology
International Relations
School / Department
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About Representative
As I will be in the event as Head of the International Affairs Office, I wish to find ways to promote the cooperation between UFAC and universities of Brazil and Japan.
About Institution / Department
The Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) has a strong focus on internationalization and has been working to strengthen its global partnerships and networks. UFABC has established partnerships with several universities and research institutions around the world, including in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Currently, there are nearly 18,000 students, 800 professors, and 800 administrative staff.

Rio de Janeiro
Isabela Cabral Felix de SOUSA

Senior Researcher

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Politechnical School of Health Joaquim Venâncio
About Representative
Field of Study
Humanities & social Sciences, Life & Health Sciences
International students, empowerment, gender studies and scientific trainning
School / Department
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About Representative
Isabela Cabral Félix de Sousa is a Psychologist from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1988), a Ph.D. in International / Intercultural Education at the University of Southern California (1995) and her thesis was on Brazilian female empowerment through reproductive health education. She is a researcher at the Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health (EPSJV) of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). In this institution, she also works as a professor Graduate Program in Teaching in Biosciences and Health at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC). She is also a researcher associated with the Interdisciplinary Group for Migratory Studies (NIEM). She has worked with educational projects in emotion, gender, women's health, scientific initiation, immigration, and international students.
About Institution / Department
In terms of internationalization activities, meetings were held in 2021 and 2022 with Rodrigo Fernandes, the regional vice-coordinator of the Study in Japan Global Network Project South America. These meetings enabled the exchange of knowledge and interaction with academic institutes in Japan. Initially, the meetings were attended by Bruna Navarone Santos, Dr. Isabela Cabral Félix de Sousa, and Dr. Anme Tokie. Also, Rodrigo Fernandes visited Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnic School of Health on November 9, 2022. He was welcomed by the director, Dr. Anamaria D' Andrea Corbo, the coordinator of International Cooperation, Dr. Carlos Eduardo Colpo Batistella, the coordinator of the Scientific Vocation Program, MSc. Cristiane Nogueira Braga, Dr. Isabela Cabral Félix de Sousa, and Bruna Navarone Santos. Both institutions expressed an interest in carrying out research and exchange activities involving scientific education projects between Brazil and Japan.

São Paulo
Cristiano Roque Antunes Barreira

Full Professor (former Dean)

School of Physical Education and Sport of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo
About Representative
Field of Study
Humanities & social Sciences
Psychological and Philosophical dimensions of Martial Arts and Combat Sports.
School / Department
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About Representative
Currently, his research with his advisees is in the area of Sport Psychology and with different themes, but mainly around Martial Arts and Combat Sports, and always in the phenomenological perspective.
Coordinates the agreement between EEFERP-USP and the International Center of Martial Arts for Youth Development and Engagement (ICM) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), as well as with the University of Bordeaux and, soon with Université Paris Cité - Department of Science and Techniques of Sports and Physical Activities (STAPS), both in France.
About Institution / Department
One of the newest teaching, research and extension units at USP, EEFERP is only 14 years old and has a wide international presence, with actions by its professors on all continents, including Japan.

São Paulo
Leonardo Theodoro Büll

Full Professor

Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP
Department of Forest Science, Soil and Environment
About Representative
Field of Study
Life & Health Sciences
Soil and Environment
School / Department
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About Representative
I am professor/researcher in Agricultural Sciences, specifically in Soil Chemistry and Fertility area, and I am particularly interested in the possibility of exchange between researchers and graduate students from institutions in both countries.I inform you that I have already been to Japan on three occasions, in 1987 at the National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba, and in 2006 and 2011 at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology - TUAT, and we are finalizing the negotiations for formalizing a cooperation agreement between UNESP and TUAT in order to promote exchange actions for professors, technicians and students.
About Institution / Department

Minas Gerais
Klaus Chaves ALBERTO

Permanent Professor

Federal University of Juiz de Fora
Post Graduate Program in Built Environment
About Representative
Field of Study
Humanities & social Sciences, Arts & Innovation
Public Spaces; Urban health; Campus Planning
School / Department
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Master and Doctor degree in Urbanism from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He developed his post-doctorate research at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation of Columbia University, USA. The focus of his studies remains on two topics: the relationship between urban planning and urban health - especially the study of public open spaces- and campus planning. Both studies approach the issue of quality of urban spaces and its impacts on the wellbeing of the city and its citizens.
About Institution / Department
Virtus.Lab is a research laboratory certified by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) that investigates the impact of the built environment on people's lives, where researchers use interdisciplinary research, with different methodological approaches.
It is headquartered at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) which is a scientific, economic and cultural center of a region of more than three million inhabitants. UFJF hás been classified among the top 100 universities in Latin America and the 1,000 in the world, and it has consolidated its national and international recognition.
Sao Paulo
William yoshio agliardi oyadomari

phD student

About Representative
Field of Study
Life & Health Sciences
School / Department
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About Representative
PhD student, looking for cooperations or posdoc positions
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Sao Paulo


About Representative
Field of Study
Multiple Fields
International Relations
School / Department
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About Representative
Institutional collaboration; Double degree
About Institution / Department
USP is the biggest university in latin american with more than 30k students (Master and PhD). We do have collaboration/double degree with more than 150 students.

Lara Terumi TAKAYAMA


About Representative
Field of Study
Life & Health Sciences
Medicine, psychiatric, neurologist, neuroscience
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I’m studying medicine (2nd Year), right now I’m interesting to go to this workshop and listen about it but I dont have a project yet.
About Institution / Department

São Paulo


About Representative
Field of Study
Life & Health Sciences, Multiple Fields
Biological and health
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About Representative
My interest in the event is the network to be generated and also to have new knowledge about studying in Japan. I am currently doing a master's degree in pharmacology at the federal university of são paulo (UNIFESP), where I carry out research with analysis of oligopeptidases, specifically NDEL1, which is involved in several processes in neurodevelopment and is a potential candidate for biomarker in mental disorders. I investigate activity levels of this oligopeptidase in two animal models (Microcephaly induced by zika virus and status epilepticus by pilocarpine) in order to better understand Ndel1 in different contexts of neurodevelopment and epilepsy insults.
About Institution / Department
The department to which I belong (Pharmacology) has several researches in the scope of studies in physiology and pharmacology. The contribution of this institution is to be able to contribute to training and to add to collaborative research, allowing other points of view and innovative ideas.

Rio de Janeiro
Anunciata C. M. B. SAWADA


Oswaldo Cruz Institute , Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Laboratório de Inovações em Terapias, Ensino e Bioprodutos
About Representative
Field of Study
Humanities & social Sciences, Life & Health Sciences
Art Science
School / Department
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About Representative
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My study group, Animê, Manga, SciFi (Science Fiction) and Pop Culture in Science Teaching (AMSEC-Pop), from the Laboratory of Innovations in Therapies, Teaching and Bioproducts (LITEB) of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/ Fiocruz) was created in 2019 from the submission of a research project to Provoc-Fiocruz, proposing to investigate anime, manga and science fiction in their potential for science teaching. This conception of science contemplates the convergence of the areas of Biological and Health Sciences as well as the Humanities and Social areas around cultural objects of interest to the group. The Scientific Vocation Program of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Provoc-Fiocruz) is the proposal for scientific initiation in high school in Brazil, under the supervision of research advisors from this institution. We intend to expand research and encourage the exchange of experiences between researchers in Brazil and Japan.

São Paulo
José Marques PEREIRA JR.

Coordenação / Professor Adjunto

Faculdade SEBRAE
Programa Internacionalização / Empreendedorismo
About Representative
Field of Study
Arts & Innovation, Multiple Fields
School / Department
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About Representative
Professor, consultant and researcher in several areas of entrepreneurship, with the main focus on the behavioral current and on the effectual aspect. An enthusiast of the culture of failure, provider of organizational innovations and active in the bases of business acceleration programs and generation of social impact within the university environment.
About Institution / Department
Faculdade SEBRAE is SEBRA's Higher Education Institution, which has been supporting Brazilian economic development through entrepreneurship for 50 years. Its internationalization actions are based on 04 Verticals:

Beatriz Vilhena ALVARENGA

Program Coordinator

Fundação Estudar
Study abroad
About Representative
Field of Study
Multiple Fields
School / Department
Not Available
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About Representative
I specialized in higher education governance and my interest relies on how to democratize the access to international opportunities in higher education. I represent Fundação Estudar, a NGO focused on offering opportunities so young people can develop themselves both in Brazil and abroad. We offer scholarships and free of charge courses and we are looking for partnerships to make sure our opportunities reach Brazilian everywhere.
About Institution / Department
Fundação Estudar is a NGO that offers two scholarship programs and build a community from it. Since 1991 we offer scholarships for the future leaders in Brazil, focused on those who have a mission related to supporting Brazil and its challenges. We have almost 800 leaders in our community, who went to study mostly in top schools in USA and UK, but also in other countries. Our goal for the next years is to reach Brazilians in other countries and make sure they are aware about the opportunities we offer for them to study.
We also own the biggest portal about studying abroad in the Portuguese language, Portal Estudar Fora, with over 4 million unique access last year.

Sao Paulo
Luciana Yuki Tomita

Assistant professor

Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo
Preventive Medicine
About Representative
Field of Study
Life & Health Sciences
implementation science, behaviourla interventions promoting healthy eating, nudging theory
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My research field is to investigate the effectiveness of nutrition counseling group based on healthy food choices. Inclusion criteria were patients with excess weight or chronic disease assisted in the Primary Health Care Services located in the deprived community. My research interest is the implementation science, health promotion in the Primary Health Care, nudging therapy using gardening to promote access of healthy food, and horticulture therapy.
About Institution / Department
I´m researcher and assistant professor from Department of Preventive Medicine at Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Department research field is public health and epidemiology. I will describe some of my colleagues research fields: Rezende LFM in epidemiology of cancer, Sanchez ZM in binge drinking, school-based alcohol and drug prevention program, Demarzo M in mindfulness.

Sao Paulo
Oscar Eduardo Fugita


Universidade de São Paulo
Hospital Universitário